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What is Technology, History, Advantage, Disadvantage.


What is Technology?

Technology is an vast word which has derived from Greek words TECHNNE and LOGOS. TECHNNE means skills required to craft something & LOGOS stand for knowledge or discussion about something.                

                      HISTORY & HOW TECHNOLOGY IMPROVED;

The history of technology beganned with the first technological creation of a tool which was a sharp knife made up of stone to cut various things easily, and by the passes of decades technology keep improving as:

  • Knife: About more than, 3 Millions year ago, The first Tool "sharp flakes" of stones were used as knifes and various Non shaped stones used as hammers and the heavy iron block had uncovered at Lake Tuskana in Kenya. It was the first tool which was used by ancestors such as Australopithecus.
  • FIRE: The discovery and use of fire before 1 Million years ago was an simple energy source with various profitable uses, as well as it was an turning point in technological evolution of humankind, which was probably invented by an Ancesters of Homosapiens. Evidence of burnt animal bones at cradle was found in caves by Homo erectus.
  • Shelter and clothing: The Technical advancement made during paleolithic era were shelters and clothing, the beginning of these has  not detected yet, but it was an key factor which leads humanity to develope. As the paliolithic era progressed. The clothing was gained/adopted from the fur and hides of hunted animals. Clothing became helpful later in colder regions and sessions.
  • Irrigation: The begging of Irrigation system was Arose in civilizaton of the Tigis-Euphrates river valley in Mesopotamia and Nile River valley in Egypt. Irrigation requires an huge amount of works and shows a high level of social organisation.
  • Iron: Around 1200BC the production of iron became widespread as metals supplanted Bronze. Iron was much more abundant than copper and tin, the two metal that make up bronze,and thus put metal tools into more hands than ever before.
  • Steam-Engine: In 1765  Newcomen steam engine was improved by James Watt, by adding condensor that turned steam back into liquid water.  condensor was seperated from cylinder that moved the Piston, and Steam-Engine became much more efficient.
  • Railways: In 1804 the steam-engine was improved by Richard Trevithick  and used it for transportations, and he build the first railway locomotive at an iron works in Wales.
  • Photography: In the early 1820Nicephore Niepce became interested in using a light-sensitive solution to make copies of lithographs onto glass, zinc, and finally a pewter plate. He then had the great idea to use his solution to make a copy of an image in a camera obscura (a room or box with a small hole in one end through which an image of the outside is projected). In 1826 or 1827, he made an eight-hour-long exposure of the courtyard of his house, the first known photograph.
  • Telegraph: Samuel Morse  was  successful painter who became interested in the possibility of an electric telegraph in the 1830s. He patented a prototype in 1837. In 1844 he sent the first message over the first long-distance telegraph line, which stretched between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore. The message: “What hath God wrought.”
  • Telephone: Once it was possible to send information through a wire in the form of dots and dashes, the next step was actual voice communication. Alexander Graham Bell made the first telephone call, on March 10, 1876, when he asked his assistant Tom Watson to come to him: “Mr Watson come here I want to see you.” and finally Telephone was introduced in 1876.
  • Electric light: After thousands of trials,In 1879 American inventor Thomas Edison finally got a carbon-filament light bulb to burn for 13½ hours. Edison and others in his laboratory were also working on an electrical power distribution system to light homes and businesses, and in 1882 the Edison Electric Illuminating Company opened the first power plant.
  • Automobile: The internal-combustion (IC) engine improved, becoming smaller and more efficient. Karl Benz used an one-cylinder engine to power the first modern automobile, a three-wheeled car that he drove around a track. However, the automobile did not make a commercial splash until 1888, when his wife, Bertha, exasperated with Karl’s slow methodical pace, took an automobile without his knowledge on a 64-mile trip to see her mother.
  • Radio: Guglielmo Marconi was experimenting with radio since 1894 and was sending transmissions over longer and longer distances. In 1901 his reported transmission of the Morse code letter S across the Atlantic from Cornwall to Newfoundland excited the world.
  • Airplane: On 17,December 1903 Orville Wright made the first airplane flight, of 120 feetnear Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. He and his brother Wilbur made four flights that day. On the last, Wilbur flew 852 feet.
  • Television: Television was introduced in 1927 which uses an mechanical disk to scan an image. As a teenager in Utah. Farnsworth became convinced that a mechanical system would not be able to scan and assemble images multiple times a second. Only an electronic system would do it. In 1922 the 16-year old Farnsworth worked out a plan for such a system, but it wasn’t until 1927 that he made the first electronic television transmissiona horizontal line.
  • Computer: The  mathematician and physicist John Atanasoff designed the first electronic digital computer in 1937. which uses binary numbers (base 2, in which all numbers are expressed with the digits 0 and 1), and its data would stored in capacitors. In 1939 he and his student Clifford Berry began building the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC).
  • Transistor: On December23,1947 Bell Lab engineers John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley gave the first public Introduction of transistor, an electrical component that could control, amplify, and generate current. The transistor was much smaller and uses less power than vacuum tubes and ushered in an era of cheap small electronic devices.
  • Personal computer: The first computers was invented in 1974 which was based on gigantic, but, with advancement in the technology, especially in putting various transistors on semiconductor chip, computer became smaller as well as more powerful. Finally, they became small enough for home use. The first such personal computer was Altair, which was soon supplanted in 1977 by the Apple, the TRS-80, and the Commodore PET.
  • Internet: In 1974 Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn had produced TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), which describes how data can be broken down into various pieces called packets, and how these packets can be transmitted to the right destination. TCP/IP became the basis for how data is transmitted over the Internet.
  • Artificial intelligence: The team behind the AlphaGo artificial intelligence program announced in 2017, and it had become the world’s best go player. Go is a game with very simple rules but many possible positions. The previous year AlphaGo had defeated the great player Lee Sedol in a match 4–1. AlphaGo then played itself and, through continual improvement and became able to defeat the version that had defeated Lee by 100–0. By machine learning and he became better at the game than any human being.

 ***Overall, the easiest form of technology is the development and use of various types of basic tools required in humans dailylife.***

If we taught about Technology in 21st century, The impact and advantages of technology on our lives today, can simply, not be ignored. The 21st century has been called the era of science and technology, especially with the new technology developments and advancements over the last few decades. it has spread all over the world with its full efficiency, everything is fully depend on technology. Technology can be used to enhance critical thinking and skills and literacy skills, evaluating the legitimacy and accuracy.

Technology has evolved and shaped our workplaces in many ways, through the adoption of tools like the internet and email for communications, word processing, spreadsheets and presentations for office productivity, electronic databases for record keeping, and robots and artificial intelligence for automation.

Computer is an big gift of technology, computer is use for the purpose of storing various data, and it performs various long calculations in just seconds and makes work easy, computers are spread everywhere e.g Banks, schools, colleges, shopping Malls etc.

**Some Major Innovative Technologies of the 21st Century:

   Self-Driving Cars. The most recent major development of the current century is self-driving vehicles.

   3-D Printing- 3-D printing is being used across a number of fields, including health care. ...

   Social Media.  


   Fiber Optics.


Technology has influenced our life expectancy and nature of living. Where it has brought people closer in various ways, it has contributed towards drifting people apart from each other. Without it, our lives would have been less difficult, harder, poorer, secluded, unoriginal, disengaged and perilous.

*Advantage of Technology:

-Ease of Access to Information- Access to information is the ability for an individual to seek, receive and impart information effectively. This sometimes includes scientific, indigenous.

-Saves Time- Here's a few great ways in which you can use technology to save time. Automation is not only time-saving, it is cost-cutting as well. You can pay bills, schedule meetings, market online and more, with just a few click.

-Better Communication Means:  Thanks to Technology, you no longer have to rely on sending physical letters and then wait for several days and perhaps having your message lost in the mail, Even better those electronic messages usually don't get lost and you can quickly resend.

-Cost Efficiency:  By reducing the amount of time spent on unnecessary tasks, shrinking the chances of human error, and allowing more people—specifically clients—to be involved in projects, your company will be better able to operate more efficiently, reduce costs, and improve communication with clients simply through automation.

-Innovation In Many Fields:  Technology innovation can take many forms for instance, novel software, implementing new algorithms and data processing models or new hardware components i.e sensors, processors, components or improved user interfaces offering seamless experiences. it can also happen at a higher level, in the form of new processes. 

-Improved Banking  Online Banking:  Today you can easily move money by simply entering in your account details online to get to your bank account and can make the transfer easily, Customer Safety and Security Innovation has made banking much more secure than before, ATM Machines, Financial Integration,24-Hour Access.

-Better Learning Techniques:  Fun Learning The use of technology has made things a lot more fun than ever. Students are getting engaged in so many learning tasks that improve their retention of new concepts. Moreover, they can access to live streaming videos online for better understanding the ideas, subject, or concept.

-Ease of Mobility.

*Disadvantage of Technology:

-Environment and culture:  Pollutions in Air, water, heat and noise pollution can all be caused by using technology. Waste Manufacturing technology creates large amounts of waste, and used computers and electronics get thrown out when they break or become outdated are main causes of environment pollution. and it is also affecting our culture, global cultures is through media globalization. One of the biggest ways to influence people worldwide is through media, social-media technologies. As people are able to get information almost immediately because of things like cell phones and the Internet.

-Sedentary habits:  Technology usually enables us to spend less time on tasks and exert less effort doing them but that's not always a good thing.

-Distraction:  Technologies such as Laptops and cell phones have invaded the peoples, raising considerable concerns about their effects on college students attention, generally they are attracted by these and forget there aim and move towards dark future.

-Security:  Data Security & Digital technology means that huge amounts of data can be collected and

. It may be very difficult to keep this data safe, Just a single mistake can lead a vast amounts of private information going into the hands of criminals, terrorists, business rivals, foreign adversaries, or other malign entities.


-Trainings and retentions.

*Some-Upcoming Technologies in Future Hyper automation, the distributed cloud, practical blockchain and human augmentation are few biggest technology, These technologies will trend next year that have potential to power both transformation and optimization initiatives.



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