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Showing posts from October, 2020


COMPUTER- Commanly Operating Machine Particularly Use in Trade Education & Research.  Computer is an Electronic device, that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic, logical operations automatically by computer programming.  In 21st century, computers have the ability to follow various generalized set of operations, known as programs. The programs enables the computers to perform a huge amount of tasks. Complete computer inclues the hardware and operating system i.e main software and peripheral equipment required and used for full operation can be referred as a computer system. *Prerecorded list of instructions can be excuted .  * It can quickly store and retrieve large amount of data.  In Early 19th century, english mechanical engineer and polymath "Charles Babbage" started the concept of a programmable computer as well as he invent the first mechanical computer and Supposed to be the "father of Computer". In modern Era , The Computers are u

What is Technology, History, Advantage, Disadvantage.

  What is Technology? Technology is an vast word which has derived from Greek words  TECHNNE  and  LOGOS . TECHNNE means skills required to craft something & LOGOS stand for knowledge or discussion about something .                                       HISTORY & HOW TECHNOLOGY IMPROVED; The  history of technology  beganned with the first technological creation of a tool which was a  sharp knife  made up of stone to cut various things easily, and by the passes of decades technology keep improving as: Knife:   About more than,  3 Millions  year ago, The first Tool  " sharp flake s"  of stones were used as knifes and various Non shaped stones used as hammers and the heavy iron block had uncovered at  Lake Tuskana  in  Kenya . It was the first tool which was used by ancestors such as Australopithecus. FIRE:  The discovery and use of fire before  1 Million  years ago was an simple  energy source  with various profitable uses, as well as it was an turning point in technolo